How to Build Better
Gut Health In 90 Days
The difference between success and failure with anything – including healing your gut – is whether or not you have a proven system that you can follow long enough to gain success.
This article will lay out the simple system we use at My Way Up® to help thousands of people rebuild their gut and reclaim their health.
Making Smaller Circles
All learning is based on systems. Like anything, gut health seems complicated until you learn a system.
Imagine the health and body of your dreams as a big circle. You have a certain system for brushing your teeth, driving your car, and writing with a pen—and now those things are easy. You don’t have to think about how to do them.
This is the process of internalisation—or, making smaller circles. When you learn a system for something, you can turn a big, complicated circle into a small, simple one.
This article will teach how to turn gut health and whole-body health into a small, simple circle by following a system.

The 3 Hidden Villains of Gut Health
Standing in your way of great gut health, are 3 villains most people living in the modern world suffer from without knowing it:
1. Leaky gut – when your gut becomes damaged, allowing toxins to leak into your blood and mess up your immune system.
2. Dysbiosis – when the 70 trillion microbes in your gut stop supporting health, and start supporting disease.
3. Lousy gut function – when your gut doesn’t work well enough. Modern living tends to allow these 3 villains to rob us of the kind of vibrant health that should be our birthright.
Pesticides, plastics and industrial additives in our food, use of antibiotics, PPIs, and painkillers, exposure to household chemicals and the chemicals in personal care products, and the stress of constant worry, dieting, work and technology... All gang up on our bodies – damaging our guts, gut microbiomes, and the ability of your digestive system to function properly.
Villain 1: LEAKY GUT
Most digestion is done in your small intestine by special gut cells. Without these gut cells to digest your food, your body would not have the energy or nutrients it needs to stay alive.
These gut cells form your protective gut wall, but it’s a delicate barrier that’s only one cell thick. A leaky gut happens when aspects of modern living damage your gut, affecting your digestion and allowing toxins to leak into your blood. Food sensitivity, achy joints, problem skin, weight management troubles, brain fog, and bloating are all signs of leaky gut.

Villain 2: DYSBIOSIS
Any ecosystem can suffer with “dysbiosis.” The Great Barrier Reef, Amazon jungle and your gut microbiome are all ecosystems that can be damaged by stressors that eventually cause the ecosystem to malfunction.
In the case of our guts, the same aspects of modern living that damage your gut wall, creating a leaky gut, also damage your gut ecosystem, known as your microbiome.
Dysbiosis is when there are far too many disease-supporting microbes and not enough health-supporting ones – creating all kinds of potential health concerns such as IBS, constipation, food sensitivity and inflammation.

Villain 3: Lousy Gut Function
Lousy gut function happens when your body doesn’t have the resources to run your digestive system effectively so that it can clean itself out and digest food properly.
Modern living is the cause of lousy gut function. Low-calorie dieting, lack of physical activity, high stress, poor sleep, and a diet lacking in quality all contribute to a gut that can’t do the things you’d like it to do.
Leaky gut and dysbiosis make your gut function worse. However, lousy gut function also makes leaky gut and dysbiosis worse.
So long-term gut health must address all 3 of these hidden villians.
How to Fight the 3 Hidden Villains
There are three weapons we’ll use to fight back against the three hidden gut health villains: food, supplements, and lifestyle.
Here is some very practical and precise advice that we’ve seen help many of the 200,000+ people we’ve helped along the gut health path:
Step 1: Lifestyle
Sleep 7+ hours a night.
Eat food as meals, not snacks, with 3 to 5 ingredients per meal.
Breathe with your belly, not your chest. Take a big breath in – did your chest or your belly move more? If it was your chest, this needs addressing.
The only thing alcohol is good for is cleaning. Minimise alcohol intake.
Step 2: Food
Our 7 favourite foods that fight against the 3 villains are:
1. Collagen, gelatin, bone broth
2. Liver and shellfish
3. Organic fruits like papaya, pomegranate, avocado, olives, oranges and berries
4. Traditional fats like extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil
5. Well-cooked root vegetables like squash and sweet potatoes
6. Easy-to-digest foods like jasmine and basmati rice
7. Well-sourced proteins including fish, beef, tofu, casein, and eggs.
We recommend eating foods in simple meals – using a few high-quality ingredients, spaced apart by 3 to 5 hours.
For example, scrambled eggs with a collagen coffee and a piece of fruit.
Step 3: Supplements
My Way Up® has a simple system for helping to defeat the 3 hidden gut health villains. Here’s the system:
1. Use Gut Repair™ for 90 days to help repair a leaky gut wall.
2. Use Daily Gut Nutrition for as long as you can to help fight back against dysbiosis.
3. Use a formula that helps improve lousy gut function. For example, if you have bloating, use Bloat Clear, or if you have problem skin, use Skin + Gut.
You can add Collagen Restore™, liver capsules or Supergut Protein to this as well. But these initial 3 steps should be followed for 90 days.
How to progress + maintain your results long-term
Our challenge to you: can you heal your gut and fight against the 3 villains for the next 90 days?
This action might not solve all of your digestive, skin, and body concerns...
But by taking this kind of action and following a system, you’re giving your body a great chance to make remarkable progress towards your goal.
Just like Roger Federer’s tennis racquet is his tool to defeat tennis opponents, your lifestyle, diet and supplements are the tools you will use to defeat leaky gut, dysbiosis and lousy gut function.
So here’s to your next 90 days. May you build better gut health and reconnect with the kind of vibrant health we believe can be built through hard work, consistency – and the right system.