Affiliate Program Terms of Service


By signing up for the My Way Up® Affiliate Program (“Program”) you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”). 

My Way Up® reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service from time to time without notice. Continued use of the Program after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

We have the right to terminate an Account for any reason we see fit at any time. Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your Account and forfeiture of any outstanding affiliate commission payments earned during the violation.


  • You should have an established website and/or social media following over 2,500 followers.
  • You must be in compliance with our Terms of Service


After receiving your application, we will review your information and notify you of your acceptance into our Program. Please allow up to 1 week for your application to be reviewed. We reserve the right to reject any application, however we encourage you to contact us if you feel we have made an incorrect decision.


Your participating website(s) may not:

  • Infringe on our or any anyone else’s intellectual property, publicity, privacy or other rights.
  • Violate any law, rule or regulation.
  • Contain any content that is defamatory, obscene, threatening, harassing, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography or sexually explicit materials.
  • Contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information.
  • Contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of affiliate commissions from another website. This includes toolbars, browser plug-ins, extensions and add-ons.


  • Your Website will not in any way copy, resemble, or mirror the look and feel of our Website. You will also not use any means to create the impression that your Website is our Website or any part of our Website including, without limitation, framing of our Website in any manner.
  • You may not engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups, false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, you will not attempt to mask the referring url information (i.e. the page from where the click is originating).
  • Using redirects to bounce a click off of a domain from which the click did not originate in order to give the appearance that it came from that domain is prohibited.


If you are enrolled in our Program and participate in PPC advertising, you must adhere to our PPC guidelines as follows:

  • You may not bid on any of our *trademarked terms (which are identified below), including any variations or misspellings thereof for search or content-based campaigns on Google, MSN, Yahoo, Facebook or any other network.
  • You may not use our trademarked terms in sequence with any other keyword (i.e. My Way Up Coupons).
  • You may not use our trademarked terms in your ad title, ad copy, display name or as the display url.
  • You may not direct link to our website from any Pay Per Click ad or use redirects that yield the same result. Affiliate links must be directed to an actual page on your website.
  • If you automate your PPC campaigns, it is your responsibility to exclude our trademarked terms from your program and we strongly suggest you add our trademarked terms as negative keywords. We have a strict no tolerance policy on PPC trademark bidding.


My Way Up, My Way Up Nutrition, The Way Up Nutrition


  • You may not use a coupon or offer sites to promote our program.
  • You may not submit your affiliate code to any coupon sites.
  • Any transaction coming from a coupon or offer site will be reversed.
  • You may ONLY advertise coupon/discount codes that are provided exclusively to you through the affiliate program.


Use of any of our trademarked terms as part of the domain or sub-domain for your website is strictly prohibited i.e. or


Use of any of our trademarked terms as part of your social handle is strictly prohibited i.e.


If you intend to promote our Program via e-mail campaigns, you must adhere to the following:

  • E-mail must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the e-mail is being sent on behalf of My Way Up.


We reserve the right to reverse orders due to order cancellations, duplicate tracking, returns, disputed charges, and program violations as outlined in these terms and conditions. If we ask you for clarification or more information on any orders or clicks that we suspect may be in violation of our terms and conditions, we expect that you will respond in a timely and honest manner. Below are violations of our communications policy. If any of the following apply, then we reserve the absolute right to reverse orders or suspend you from the program.
  • You are not forthcoming, intentionally vague or are found to be lying.
  • You are not responsive within a reasonable time period.
  • You cannot substantiate or validate the source of your traffic to our program with clear and demonstrable proof.

Contact: hello(at) with questions.