Hands up if you've ever had a big bowl of oats and could not fold back the gas later that day? What about brown rice? Rye bread?
Bad gas and bloating are signs that your gut has not been able to digest your food properly.
Some undigested food has made it to your large intestine to be fermented (gas/bloat producing) by your gut bacteria.
Antibiotic use, poor diet and high levels of stress are some of the many factors that contribute to poor gut health which leaves the gut in a fragile state.
If you have symptoms, try to avoid putting extra pressure on your digestive system, and minimize these foods where you can:
But why?
All of these are types of seeds. Foods such as oats, kidney beans, even lentils are all 'baby' plants.
The main goals of a seed is to propagate, absorb vitamins and minerals that are essential for growth and to AVOID being digested.
Seeds contain certain compounds called ANTI-NUTRIENTS that protect them and prevent the absorption of minerals in the human body so they can be used for their own growth.
Eating these foods that are difficult to digest puts extra pressure on an already damaged gut - worsening digestive symptoms.

We know that for some people, these foods might be difficult to avoid/minimize.
If they are part of your diet, try and focus on making them as easy to digest as possible, preventing further gut damage.
Trial the follow methods in your next 'seed' based recipe:
Remember - this is not forever.
Healing your gut barrier, improving your microbiome, working on your metabolism and overall digestion will get you back to a place where you can eat these types of foods without the nasty gut symptoms.
The 3R Gut Repair Protocol
Better gut health improves all health conditions.
The 3 keys to better gut health are:
RELIEVING your symptoms
REPAIRING your gut wall
RESTORING your good gut microbes
My Way Up® has pioneered the 3R protocol to make better gut health easy.
1. RELIEVE your symptoms
Begin the 3R protocol by choosing the targeted product that helps to relieve the symptoms you're struggling with. You may need to choose several different products - that's ok, they all work together.
2. REPAIR your gut
Your gut is key battleground where your immune system tries to keep you safe from toxins, viruses and chemicals.
Ultra-processed foods, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and chemicals tend to damage your gut wall which interferes with the response of your immune system (inflammation).
Struggling with your gut, skin, hormonal or metabolic health? Your gut wall needs repairing.
3. RESTORE your gut microbes + body
Your gut is an ecosystem that 70 trillion microbes (the gut microbiome) call home.
Many people's gut ecosystems look more like plantations than the diverse jungles they should look like. Healing your gut, metabolism, skin, hormones and body long-term relies on restoring your gut microbiome.
Collagen Restore™ helps restore the gut microbiome, improve weight loss and skin hydration, reduce wrinkles, cellulite and bloating, and keep your bowels regular.
How long does gut healing take?
Gut healing is a journey – think of it like rehabbing your knee after an injury. You’ll need to go above and beyond normal when you’re “rehabbing” your knee and still look after it once it’s back to normal. It’s the same with your gut.
Your 3R supplement plan is a big part of this “rehab” for your gut. Stick to your plan for at least 90 days and you’ll have taken a big step towards great gut health and a body that looks, feels and functions better.
We recommend continuing with Collagen Restore™ and supporting products like Organic Liver multivitamins and Superfood Protein.
In conclusion, when it comes to gut health, it's important to be mindful of the foods we eat. Whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans and lentils can be difficult to digest and may cause discomfort. Minimizing your intake of these foods, and focusing on easier-to-digest options, and pro-gut proteins (i.e. collagen, bone broth, liver, l-glutamine) can help to promote optimal digestion and overall health.